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10:19 AM Posted by developcode No comments
DEVELOP-CODE today I will give one example to operate by using the MySQL database .. are already available in the application XAMPP, one of which is a tutorial on how to connect to MySQL..?
just play..>>

The first open a command prompt by click Start -> Acsessories -> Command Prompt [enter].
after the command prompt window will appear:

further navigate the directory command to storage mysql.exe
because I use XAMPP, so mysql.exe located in the folder XAMPP:


then code like this:
cd../../ [enter]
cd xampp [enter]
cd mysql [enter]
cd bin [enter]

cd (Displays the name of or changes the current directory.)
cd../ (to return to the previous folder directory)
cd xampp (to go into the directory folder called xampp)

when it is appropriate directory folder, then connect to mysql database
with code
: mysql -u root -p [enter]

mysql (open application mysql.exe)
-u (insert username)
root (username)
-p (insert password) 

note * if first install XAMPP Applications typically do not use a password so just remove the code -p,

username and password as the connection to MySQL successfully..

video tutorial this page.

develop-code write.

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